Turn Up Your Inner Voice - Sarp Ertekin - Cinius Yayınları

530.00 TL
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If you are reading this, your inner voice must have told you to check what is written at the rear cover of the book. It will also ask you to check the price, who the author is and also to take a look at the contents. Afterwards, you will make a comment on the book based on your previous experiences.

And as the result of this comment, you will listen to your inner voice and buy the book, or put it back.
Would like to learn more about your inner voice which you’ve probably suppressed at times and which you’ve sometimes ignored altogether?
In this book, there is a character who is in pursuit of a happier, more peaceful and more joyous life, but who delays life for various reasons and who just cannot lead the life he desires. The book tells the story of this character’s journey with his inner voice.

376 Sayfa
2. Hamur Kağıt
13.00x19.50 cm
Basım Yılı:
Eylül 2020