Hiç mesaj bulunmadı
Taksit | Tutar | Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 330.00 TL | 330.00 TL |
2 Taksit | 165.00 TL | 330.00 TL |
3 Taksit | 110.00 TL | 330.00 TL |
4 Taksit | 88.28 TL | 353.10 TL |
5 Taksit | 71.28 TL | 356.40 TL |
6 Taksit | 59.95 TL | 359.70 TL |
Taksit | Tutar | Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 330.00 TL | 330.00 TL |
2 Taksit | 165.00 TL | 330.00 TL |
Taksit | Tutar | Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 330.00 TL | 330.00 TL |
2 Taksit | 165.00 TL | 330.00 TL |
3 Taksit | 110.00 TL | 330.00 TL |
Taksit | Tutar | Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 330.00 TL | 330.00 TL |
2 Taksit | 165.00 TL | 330.00 TL |
3 Taksit | 110.00 TL | 330.00 TL |
Taksit | Tutar | Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 330.00 TL | 330.00 TL |
2 Taksit | 165.00 TL | 330.00 TL |
3 Taksit | 110.00 TL | 330.00 TL |
4 Taksit | 87.45 TL | 349.80 TL |
5 Taksit | 70.62 TL | 353.10 TL |
6 Taksit | 59.40 TL | 356.40 TL |
Ödeme Türü | Toplam Tutar |
Diğer Kredi Kartları | 330.00 TL |
Havale / Eft | 330.00 TL |
Posta Çeki | 330.00 TL |
Kapıda Ödeme | 340.00 TL |
Kapıda ödemeli siparişlerde +10,00TL kapıda ödeme hizmet bedeli ilave edilir. |
- Vade farksız taksitler KOYU renkte gösterilmektedir.
- X+X şeklinde belritilen taksitler (Örneğin: 2+3) 2 taksit olarak işleme alınmakta ancak ilgili bankanın kampanyası dahilinde 2 taksit üzerinden işlem yapıldığı halde 2+3 yani 5 taksit olarak kartınıza ve ödemenize yansımaktadır. (2 taksit seçilmiş olsa bile banka kampanyası dahilinde ekstradan vade farkı eklenmeden işlem 5 taksite bölünmektedir.)
Chapter 1 Integrative Functions of the “Mini-Projects” of the Didactic Units of Language Textbooks in the Social Action-Oriented Approach (SAOA)
Chapter 2 Learning an L2 at School not Primarily to Communicate in L2, but to Better Inform Oneself in L2 and Act in L1 in One’s Country
Chapter 3 Exploring the Feasibility of Project-based Learning as One Form of Action-Oriented Learning in Turkish National Education
Chapter 4 Using Grice’s Maxims to Reflect on Project-Based Writing
Chapter 5 Training Social Actors through ELT in Vygotskian Framework: Remapping Educational Routes and Rebuilding Pedagogical Lanes
Chapter 6 The Effect of Project-based Teaching on Language Learners Success in Social Environments
Chapter 7 Developing Global Skills through Problem-based Learning in Foreign Language Teacher Education
Chapter 8 At the Crossroads of Action-oriented Pedagogy and Online Teaching during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Constraints and Recommendations
Chapter 9 Cultural Competence in Social Action-based Learning: Theoretical and Pedagogical Perspectives
Chapter 10 An Analysis of the English Textbook İngilizce 6 in Terms of Social Action- based Learning
Chapter 11 A Case for the English Home Language Textbook: A South
African Perspective in the Further Education Training (FET) Phase in High School
Chapter 12 Common Barriers in One High School in the Further Education Training (FET) Phase: Looking at the Past Gaining in the Future