The Watchman - İngilizce Hikayeler B1 Stage 3 - Mary Hallock Foote - Gece Kitaplığı

23.00 TL
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The lights and shadows chased her in and out among the willows and ?eecy cottonwoods and tall swamp-grasses; but Travis rode in the glare, on the high ditch-bank, and, although they passed each other daily, he had never had a good look at the “pretty girl at Lark’s.” But one morning the white-faced heifer broke away and bolted up the ditch-bank, and in a cloud of sun-smitten dust Nancy followed, a ?gure of virginal wrath with scarlet cheeks and wind-blown hair. Reining her pony on the narrow bank, she called across to Travis in a voice as clear and fresh as her colors.

32 Sayfa
2. Hamur Kağıt
13.50x21.00 cm
Basım Yılı:
Ağustos 2020