The Semantic Development of the Word Asubh and Its Derivations in the Quraan, the Hadith, Arab’s Pro

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The Semantic Development of theWord Asubh and ItsDerivations in the Quraan, the Hadith, Arab’s Proverbs and Poetry

The development of the linguistic semantics emerges from the development of the human society itself due to either the necessity or the creativity which grow throughout time using synecdoche,metaphor,metonymy, and connotativemeanings. Studies on the semantic development have significant implications which are associated with the philosophy of human development itself. Therefore, this study aims at identifying the semantic development of the word ‘asubh’ and its derivations in the Holy Quraan, the Hadith, and Arab’s provers, and poetry. The research problem lies in the fact that the word ‘Asubh’ is expressed by words like ‘sabah’ and ‘isbah’ and several meanings used by the dictionaries, whereby this word has become a wide semantic area used in several contexts, such as ‘to become, pray, light, clarity, hope, scandal, war, death, and warning. As a result, the relationship between the meanings of ‘asubh and these contexts should be clarified since the semantic development cannot be identified without them to remove the apparent contrasts in these denotations or show their rhetorical aspect as well as demonstrate the way of generating meanings of the word ’asubh’ from each other.

128 Sayfa
2. Hamur Kağıt
13.50x21.00 cm
Basım Yılı:
Aralık 2020