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Tek Çekim | 126.00 TL | 126.00 TL |
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Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) was bom in Bombay, but educated in England at the United Services College, Westward Ho, Bideford. In 1882 he returned to İndia, where he worked for Anglo-Indian newspapers. His literary career began with Departmental Ditties (1886), but subsequently he became chiefly known as a Mriter of short stories. A prolific writer, he achieved fame quickly. Kipling was the poet of the British Empire and itsyeoman, the common soldier, whom he glorified in many of his works, in particular Plain Tales frorn the Hills (1888) and Soldiers Three (1888), collections of short stories with roııghly and affectionately drawn soldier portraits. His Barrack Room Ballads (1892) were written for, as mııch as aboııt, the common soldier. In 1894 appeared his Jııngle Book, which became a children ’s classic ali över the world. Kim (1901), the story ofKimball O’Hara and his adventııres in the Himalayas, is perhaps his most felicitous work. Other works incinde The Second Jııngle Book (1895), The Seven Seas (1896), Captains Courageous (1897), The Day’s Work (1898), Stalky and Co. (1899), Jııst So Stories (1902), Trafficks and Discoveries (1904), Puck of Pook´s Hill (1906), Actions and Reactions (1909), Debits and Credits (1926), Thy Servant a Dog (1930), and Limits and Renewals (1932). During the First World War Kipling wrote some propaganda books. His collected poems appeared in 1933.
Kipling was the recipient of many honorary degrees and other awards. In 1926 he received the Gold Medal of the Royal Society of Literatüre, which only Scott, Meredith, and Hardy had been awarded before him.
Kipling died on 18Janııary 1936 and is bııried at Westminster Abbey.